
Publicaciones realizadas por los investigadores principales

Urbanization and productivity at a global level: new empirical evidence for the services sector.

Taking advantage of water scarcity? Concentration of agricultural land and the politics behind water governance in Chile

Internal migration in Chile and mental health in migrant‐sending communities

Educación y Desarrollo: bases y propuestas para la discusión.

The Effect of Formal Financial Accessibility on Love Money Investment

Agglomeration factors and the geography of growing early-stage businesses in Chile.

Desigualdades espaciales, capacidades y desarrollo en América Latina

Skilled human capital accretion, skilled wages and the geography of growing early-stage businesses.

Droughts and Local Labor Markets. Studying Heterogenous Effects on Women and Indigenous People in Chile

Discursos ambivalentes hacia las estudiantes de educación superior: estereotipos de género en docentes ingenieros y técnicos en STEM-minería

Green areas and socioemotional and academic outcomes of school-age children in a highly segregated city. The case of Santiago, Chile.

Performance in B‐Certified Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean

¿Cuánto importa el dinero en política? Un análisis a partir de las elecciones de diputados en Chile (2013 – 2017).

Estado y transformaciones del empleo rural en américa latina. Un análisis del caso de chile

Neoextractivism, agribusiness and water scarcity in contemporary Chile

Food Consumption Disparities, Public Health and Sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean

Foreign direct investment elasticities of output, labor, and wages in Chile: A simultaneous equations approach.

Dietary habits during the Covid-19 pandemic. Are work environments part of the problem?

Public policies, sustainability, and smallholder producers’ access to the market. The Productive Alliance Programme in Chile: A case study.

Is industrial related variety an enabling condition for regional entrepreneurship? A comparison between mining and non-mining regions in Chile.

Forest plantation subsidies: Impact evaluation of the Chilean case

Pobreza de tiempo, género y vivienda social en Santiago de Chile. Un análisis cualitativo

Vegetation cover within schools in Santiago de Chile: Are schools helping to mitigate urban vegetation inequalities?

A novel modelling toolkit for unpacking the Water-Energy-Food-Environment (WEFE) nexus of agricultural development

Not like my parentes! The intention to become a sucessor of Latin America students with entrepreneur parents.

Innovative Rural Entrepreneurship in Chile

The effects of trade liberalization on rural sectoral employment and wages. Evidence from Peru’s second wave of liberalization (1998-2016).

Long-Term Trends and Policy Challenges in Chilean Agricultural Labor Markets

Agriculture 4.0? Studying the evidence for routinization in the Chilean agriculture.

Labor productivity response of the micro-and-smallfirm sector to business entries and exits

New trends on entrepreneursh research in Latin America and Caribbean countries: evidence from GEM and GUESSS projects – an analytical editorial.

An institutional approach to the development of business angel networks in Latin American emerging countries.

Influence of educational programs oriented towards entrepreneurship on the entrepreneurial intention of university students: The case of Chile.

Hidden welfare effects of tree plantations.

Agricultural and Forestry Land and Labor Use under Long-Term Climate Change in Chile

Understanding Farm-Level Incentives within the Bioeconomy Framework: Prices, Product Quality, Losses, and Bio-Based Alternatives

One country, two populist parties: Voting patterns of the 2018 Italian elections and their determinants

Strengthening smallholder producers’ skills and market access: Productive Alliance Programme in Chile

Innovative rural entrepreneurship in Chile.

Percepción, juicio crítico y organización frente a las desigualdades socioecológicas en Chile contemporáneo

Spatial inequality and aspirations for economic inclusion among Latin American youth

Stronger together? Assessing the causal effect of intermunicipal cooperation on the efficiency of small Italian municipalities

Empoderamiento económico de las mujeres, territorio y migración en el Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica.

Migración interna y convergencia en México 2000-2010

Crecimiento e inclusión en los territorios rurales-urbanos de Chile

Employment Effects of Covid-19 across Chilean Regions: An application of the translog cost function

In search of economically significant food losses: Evidence from Tunisia and Egypt

Spatio-temporal dynamics in municipal rates of business start-ups in Chile.

Concentration of human capital, externalities, and the wage gap in U.S. metro areas

The impact of commercialisation of rice on household welfare in rural Viet Nam

Construyendo puentes en la educación superior: Una ruta entre la formación técnia y la industria minera del 2035

Estereotipos de género: una aproximación a la cultura académica desde las interacciones docentes en carreras mineras.

Are foreign-born researchers more innovative? Self-selection, mismatch, and the production of knowledge among PhD recipients in the U.S

Guest Editorial: Local labour markets, migration, and innovation

De-climatizing food security: Lessons from climate change micro-simulations in Peru

Backyard poultry production in Chile: animal health management and contribution to food access in an upper middle-income country

The spatially-asymmetric evolution of mining services suppliers during the expansion and contraction phases of the copper super-cycle in Chile. R